The Vitality Health Check Health Reader (VHC-Reader) is a mobile measuring device for qualitative, semi quantitative and quantitative evaluation of diagnostic rapid tests (lateral flow assays). Being a mobile platform, the VHC-Reader offers an internal memory to safe a large number of measurement results.

In order to extract the measurement data from the VHC-Reader the DataReader Software was developed. Using this program it is possible to read every saved measurement, to transfer it to a pc and general data management functions. Furthermore the software allows remote measurements.

The connection of the VHC-Reader and the PC is only possible by using the special DataReader USB cable, that is part of the DataReader Cable and Software bundle.

DataReader Software (2146 downloads)


DataReader Software Manual EN (3345 downloads)


DataReader Software Handbuch [DE] (3418 downloads)


In case your PC requires the installation of the FTDI drivers to connect via the DataReader cable, you may download them from heres.

FTDI Driver (1884 downloads)